Have you considered converting gas furnace to electric heat pump for your home? Andes Heating & Air Conditioning is an AC-certified company that provides high-quality HVAC products to make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient. We have skilled and professional technicians who will help with a smooth installation process. 

How Converting Gas Furnace to Electric Heat Pump Works

Once you have decided to make the switch, your first step is to remove all existing gas furnace appliances. Although the process isn’t complicated, we recommend you hire a licensed technician for the job. It is also for safety reasons since the technician must install and rewire the new electric heat pump. 

After removing the existing gas furnace, the next step is to hardwire the new electric heat pump into your home. You must run your electric furnace on a dedicated circuit for safety reasons. This will let you plug the new furnace without any worries. The technician will also provide some safety precautions you must follow when using the furnace. 

Is Converting Your Gas Furnace to an Electric Heat Pump Worth It?

Switching to an electric heat pump is a smart move for many reasons. Besides the cost of installation, it is more sustainable in the long run. Unlike the gas furnace, it is economical and easier to maintain. The good thing is that many homeowners also adopt this heating method, making it more accessible in the market. Another reason to replace your gas furnace with an electric heat pump is its environmental friendliness. You don’t have to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning in the environment. 

How Can I Save More With Electric Heat Pumps?

  • Use a programmable thermostat to adjust its temperature as needed.
  • Turn it off when you are away from home.
  • Only heat rooms you intend to use. 
  • Invest in energy-efficient portable heaters.

Install Your Heating Furnaces at Andes Heating & Air Conditioning

Consider switching from a gas furnace to an electric heat pump to make your home energy-efficient. Although the conversion comes with added costs, you will enjoy it in the long run. At Andes Heating & Air Conditioning, we help customers in converting gas furnace to electric heat pump at the best price. 

With customer satisfaction as a priority, we strive to be transparent with our communication to ensure our customers know what is involved. We also don’t just leave you alone as we offer technical support and help maintain your heating system. Contact us today for all HVAC services!

converting gas furnace to electric heat pump